The type information provides more precise operational semantics to the values 类型信息为值提供更精确的操作语义。
Firstly , uml statecharts is structurally expressed by extended hierarchical automaton ( eha ) , and its operational semantics is expatiated . the correctness of semantics can be ensured through finding the maximal non - conflict transition set 首先针对uml的特点对扩展层次自动机( extendedhierarchicalautomata , eha )进行改进,以便能结构化地表示umlstatecharts ,并给出相应的操作语义。
After - transforming the labeled transition system of operational semantics and linear temporal logic formula into btlchi automata respectively , the correctness of uml statecharts can be verified using automaton - based model checking method 在把根据eha操作语义得到的标记迁移系统和表示性质的线性时态逻辑公式分别转换为b chi自动机后,用基于自动机理论的模型检验方法验证umlstatecharts的正确性。
The character of the thesis was the following : ( 1 ) giving the modification of lambda calculus in order to describe the character of dynamic fuzzy ; ( 2 ) giving an operational semantics model of dfl programming language which can solve dynamic fuzzy problems and proving the correctness and reliability of it ; ( 3 ) giving the frame of dfl programming language 本文的特色体现在: ( 1 )提出了可以描述动态模糊性问题的演算的变形方法; ( 2 )提出了可以解决动态模糊性问题的dfl程序设计语言的操作语义模型,并对该模型的正确性和可靠性进行了证明; ( 3 )提出了dfl程序设计语言的基本框架结构。
Up to now , there has been ten years for the research of dynamic fuzzy logic ( dfl ) and a series of achievements have been made . in order to further expand the applications of dfl , this thesis followed dijkstra ’ s guarded commands and put forward an operational semantics model of dfl programming language which can solve dynamic fuzzy problems 动态模糊逻辑( dfl )的研究已有十年的时间了,目前已取得了一系列研究成果,为了进一步拓展这些研究成果的应用,本文借鉴dijkstra的监督命令程序结构,通过结构化操作语义描述方法从软件理论方面进行研究,提出了动态模糊逻辑程序设计语言( dflprogramminglanguage )的操作语义模型,以期形成解决动态模糊性问题的程序设计方法。
The main work included : the classical lambda calculus was modified to describe the character of dynamic fuzzy ; the abstract syntax of dfl programming language was described through bnf notation ; an operational semantics model of dfl programming language was proposed with a ternary array < dfsc , dfo , dfss > and then some basic data types and several mechanisms of constructing new data types were defined ; the frame of dfl progaramming language was provided ; it was described how to solve some problems applying the operational semantics model ; the correctness and reliability of the operational semantics model were proved by hoare logic and denotational semantics 主要内容包括:变形传统的演算,以更好地描述具有动态模糊性的问题;通过bnf描述了dfl程序设计语言的抽象语法;通过一个三元组< dfsc , dfo , dfss >给出了dfl程序设计语言的操作语义模型;给出了dfl程序设计语言的基本框架结构;给出了该操作语义模型的一些应用实例;通过hoare逻辑和基本指称语义对本文所定义的操作语义模型的正确性和可靠性进行了证明。由此可见,本文从全新的角度定义了一种可以处理动态模糊问题的程序设计语言。